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Joined: 10/07/1999 Posts: 6848
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My forestry degree was 134

in 1990. I had two years under quarter and two under semester. That was with the conversion to semester hours.

I remember the papers that had each quarter of coursework you should take (which class etc...) and it was 200 in quarter hours.

(In response to this post by Pylons)

Posted: 02/17/2022 at 12:57PM


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Current Thread:
  Why make them go at all at this point? ** -- Mr. Touchdown 02/17/2022 5:49PM
  Imagine all the PhD football players!! ** -- HokieSignGuy 02/17/2022 3:40PM
  A player wouldn't be compelled to play for 8 years. . . -- NightVisionHokie 02/17/2022 08:56AM
  Syracuse with Jim Brown at 40 TIC ** -- TomTurkey 02/17/2022 12:41PM
  Lol. don't hold your breath -- Pylons 02/16/2022 8:28PM
  Only if they are good enough to play in the NFL -- NightVisionHokie 02/17/2022 09:01AM
  Well, assuming you mean Cardale Jones, -- Pylons 02/17/2022 09:23AM
  Why 8 years? ** -- VTHokie2000 02/16/2022 6:32PM
  The data suggests otherwise. -- VTHokie2000 02/17/2022 10:02AM
  Because some of them might want to be doctors? -- MP4VT2004 02/16/2022 6:40PM
  20 ** -- Stork 02/16/2022 4:48PM
  Mandatory retirement at 45 ** -- TomTurkey 02/16/2022 5:01PM

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